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***Registration for Adult Outdoor House League programs will open on February 14th at 9am. Please note that Adult House League will run on TUESDAY evenings for the 2025 season.***


This season we have two great summer adult house league programs!  

Once again, FEDS will be offering its popular 11v11 program and the Women's 17+ league - both on TUESDAY evenings.

Adult 11v11 House League $255
Tuesdays @ 7:00pm and 9:00pm; Fields TBD; May 27th-September 9th

Adult House League is ready to go again!   *TUESDAY* evenings starting May 27 until September 9. Depending on the number of teams, there may be the odd game played on other evenings.  While there will not be a set number for each team, men and women are both welcome.

Contact Curt McQueen ( with any questions or team requests. 


17+ Women's Soccer (2008 & earlier) $185
Tuesdays @ 7:00pm - 8:00pm; Southridge Mini-Fields, Elora; May 20th - August 19th (13 games)

Players will participate in 5v5 small-sided games. There will be a short warm up and the remainder of each session will be a 5v5 small-sided game. This format is more fun and exciting with more goals and more opportunity to have the ball compared to 11v11. There will be 2 halves with a licensed referee.

Contact with questions.


*Shin pads and cleats required for both programs.  No jewellery permitted.  Full uniform (jersey, shorts and socks) provided.